Marienen Xorlarra

The Traveler, Warrior of Light and Darkness

Dynamis | Kraken

Azem, Fourteenth Seat of the ConvocationTraveler, Shepherd to the StarsTrue Name: HypatiaClose friends with Hythlodaeus and Hades (the seat of Emet-Selch), who are also her loversHythlodaeus is the oldest of their trio, with Hades the youngest

Art by Twitter user @salty_kira

Age: ~28 (at start of ARR)
Height: 6'7"
Eyes: Red
Hair: White with burgundy highlights
Notable Features: Facial tattoo around left eye; always wears House Fortemps crest (usually as earrings)
Chocobo: Elinor, sports white feathersOccupation: Adventurer, Warrior of Light/Darkness, Champion, Hero, Botanist Extraordinaire, and Very Tired Free Company 'Mom'Homeland: Unknown
Allied Nation City-State: Gridania
Grand Company: Maelstrom
Free Company: Argentum Vulpes
Main Class: Dancer
Secondary Classes: Ninja, Summoner, Warrior, Scholar
Relationship Status: PolyamorousAddress:
Dynamis - Kraken
Lavender Beds | W14 - P46

Histories of the Ages

The World Unsundered
A Tale of Two Azems
The Grapes of Azem
Work? Azem's home, I think not!

A Realm Reborn
Light Party - Multi-chapter
For Love of a Knight - WoLchefant
Shadow of the Past
The Cold Inside
Wake Beside You - WoLGraha
A Valentione's Surprise - WoLGraha/WoLmeric

Argentum Vulpes <VULPE>A small free company formed of close friends. The company is currently allied to Maelstrom, though their residence is in Empyreum.

Ward 15, Plot 47, Empyreum
Aether | Faerie

Memories of the Lost

For you, my love, I will always smile. And yours is as beautiful now as the day I met you.

I may not need a push, but I'll never turn down a helping hand, so long as it is yours.

I will do my best to take care of your legacy, until we may meet again.

Light Party

A'dann Tia
[Formerly Magnus aan Tethrys]
Miqo'te - Machinist
ARR Age - 25
Originally from a Garlean province, he fled before they could conscript him. Often works with Cid and Nero at the Ironworks as he has knowledge of magitek. Taught Marienen how to drive Garlean vehicles and can often be found tinkering with bits of tech - both Garlean and Allagan. Dann likes to collect wines/spirits/brews from the places he visits.
A'dann separates from the party in Ishgard, teaming up with Cid and the Ironworks to assist first with the manacutter, and then later with the refitting for Azys Lla. He remains with the Ironworks from that point on.

Theron Daskov
[Forest Name - Stellan Rehw-Setlas]
Viera - Dragoon
ARR Age - ~50
Theron is a former Wood-Warder who disliked the isolation and solitude required of the men of his tribe and eventually left, joining up with fellow outcasts Cyrille and Lina. All three agreed to take the surname Daskov to cement their bond. Theron is very protective of his people and typically plays the role of guard. One can often find him lurking nearby when Marienen is off foraging.
When Estinien vanishes after the Dragonsong War, Theron leaves to follow and keep watch. He begins to work as an informant for the Scions, training in espionage under Riol's tutelage.

Lenore Hawkins
Hyur - Paladin
ARR Age - 20
The youngest member of the group, Lenore is an idealistic young woman who saw the increasing issues in her native Ul'dah and wanted to right the wrongs where she could. She has a strong sense of justice and a large protective streak, and often ends up acting as the voice of reason to the rest of the group.Lenore splits from the others in Kugane, remaining behind to serve as liaison alongside Tataru and remaining even after Tataru leaves in order to coordinate efforts between Eorzea and the Far East. Her even-tempered nature is a boon when dealing with the hotter tempers and sometimes insufferable attitudes of the Far Eastern leaders.